Harvest production of many new varieties of Capsicum frutescens in dry land on Garut District, West Java
Sujitno E, Dianawati M. 2015. Harvest production of many new varieties of Capsicum frutescens in dry land on Garut District, West Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 874-877. The average production per hectare of chili in West Java at 13.15 tons is higher than the national production of 5.75 tons, but it still below the potential production that ranges between 12-20 tons. One effort to increase production is the use of new varieties. Currently, there are many farmers who use local varieties of chili and want new varieties with high production and bright red fruit. The research objective was to determine the response of new varieties for the production of chili on dry land of Garut, West Java. The experiment was conducted in the Village of Jangkurang, Leles Subdistrict, Garut District, West Java at an altitude of 800 m asl. from March to August 2013. The experiment was conducted on dry land with soil type of regosol. The research was conducted with a Randomized Completed Block Design with four treatments and six replicates varieties with farmers as replications. Treatment varieties tested were Kencana, Jossy, ASA CR 7 and local chili. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and if it was a significantly different, the test will continue to orthogonal contras test and correlation test at P​