Anti-inflammatory efficacy of orange fruit (Citrus sp.) peels eco-enzyme in mice induced by carrageenan




Abstract. Fatimah E, Husna AU, Rafia, Santoso P. 2022. Anti-inflammatory efficacy of orange fruit (Citrus sp.) peels eco-enzyme in mice induced by carrageenan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 119-126. Inflammation is the protective response of the body against tissue damage or pathogen infection. The use of commercial anti-inflammatories from the steroid and non-steroidal groups in the long term has been shown to cause many side effects. For this reason, it is necessary to develop anti-inflammatories based on natural ingredients that are effective, safe, and affordable. Eco-enzymes based on organic waste has been widely used as cleaning fluids, vegetable pesticides, organic fertilizers and air filters. However, scientific information regarding its potential as a medicinal material is still very limited. This study aims to reveal the efficacy of eco-enzymes based on citrus peel waste (Citrus sp.) as anti-inflammatory through analysis of bioactive compounds in eco-enzymes, experimental testing of their inhibitory on inflammation and hematological responses in male Balb/c mice models. Mice were divided into four different treatment groups, namely A (mice without inflammation induction), B (induced inflammation with 1% carrageenan subcutaneously on the dorsal), C (induced with carrageenan + Betamethasone valetare 0.1%), and D (induced with carrageenan + orange peel eco-enzyme 200 µl once daily topically). The results of gas chromatography analysis showed that eco-enzymes from orange peel waste contained substances that act as anti-inflammatory agents like Hexadecanoic acid, Acetaldehyde ethyl cis-3hexenyl acetal and 2-Hydroxy-1,1,10-trimethyl-6,9-epidioxydecalin. Furthermore, topical administration of 200 µl of orange peel waste eco-enzyme was effective in reducing the back fold thickness of mice induced with carrageenan with an average anti-inflammatory effect of 33%. Hematological analysis showed that the administration of eco-enzymes was able to suppress the number of total leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes 6 hours after inflammation with carrageenan. These findings indicate that eco-enzymes based on orange peel waste have the potential to be developed into effective, affordable and environmentally friendly anti-inflammatory drugs.


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