Growth of six populations of Calophyllum inophyllum of Java land race at five years of age at the ex situ conservation plot in Cilacap, Central Java




Fiani A. 2015. The growth of six populations of Calophyllum inophyllum of Java landrace at five years of age at the ex-situ conservation plot in Cilacap, Central Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 900-903. An ex situ conservation plot of Calophyllum inophyllum has been established in Cilacap, Central Java since 2009 by The Centre for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement, Yogyakarta. This activity aimed to preserve the genetic resources of C. inophyllum and to support a breeding program of the species. This multi-purposes tree species is one of the alternative biofuel producing species. It is generally utilized as a fire barrier, windbreaker, shading, craft materials, and boat. There are six landraces populations of C. inophyllum of Java planted in the plot, namely Banyuwangi, Carita, Cilacap, Purworejo, Sobang and Yogyakarta. Each population was planted in 5x5 m2 spacing in a separate area of one another with an isolation barrier of 20 m to prevent genetic contamination among populations, therefore population differentiation was maintained. The research findings showed that the survival rate of plantation at 5 years after planting was ranged from 44% (Cilacap) to 82% (Banyuwangi), whereas the stem diameter was ranged from 52.81 mm (Cilacap) to 77.26 mm (Banyuwangi) and the tree height was ranged from 319.46 cm (Carita) to 421.83 cm (Banyuwangi). Based on the trends in survival rates, stem diameter, and tree height growth, it can be concluded that the Banyuwangi population is more likely potential to be used as a seed source for planting program in Jeruklegi, Cilacap and other sites that similar to the conservation plot area.
