Morphological studies of selected seeds of Annonaceae: Seed bank collection of Purwodadi Botanical Gardens




Abstract. Lestari DA, Pratiwi A. 2022. Morphological studies of selected seeds of Annonaceae: Seed bank collection of Purwodadi Botanical Gardens. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 103-110. Seed is a part of the plant which is a means of generative reproduction and becomes one of the important characters in species identification. Seeds of the Annonaceae family have diverse morphological characters. The morphological characters of selected Annonaceae seeds will be described and grouped in this article for research purposes. The method used in this research is descriptive observative. The seed material used was 11 selected species from Annonaceae. Seed characters observed included morphological characters externally and internally. Seed morphological characters externally are quantitative (length, width, thickness, volume, Flatness Index (FI) and Eccentricity Index (EI)) as well as qualitative (color, surface, and shape). Qualitative character data will be converted into quantitative with the scoring method. The internal morphological characters of the seeds were observed from the seed coat to the endosperm using a digital microscope. Data were analyzed descriptively with quantitative variables using Microsoft Excel, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis using the PAST ver 3.0 statistical program. The results showed that the seed morphological characters of 11 selected species of Annonaceae had low morphological variation (<15%), except for the seed volume character of each species. Annonaceae seeds have a special character, i.e. the presence of ruminate endosperm. Seed grouping of 11 selected species of Annonaceae was divided into 3 groups, where the group I was influenced by FI characters, seed shape and color (Uvaria micranthum, U. purpurea, U. rufa, Uvaria sp., Alphonsea javanica and Fissistigma latifolium); group II was influenced by the characters of length, width, thickness and volume of seeds (Annona glabra, A. montana, Polyalthia longifolia); and group III influenced by seed texture character and EI (Orophea enneandra and P. littoralis). Basic information about morphology and seed grouping can be used as an effort in seed conservation.


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