Potential of etnobotany diversity in Sassa Village protected forest




Abstract. Najib NN, Maria M. 2022. Potential of etnobotany diversity in Sassa Village protected forest. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 111-118. The people of Sassa village mostly live around the protected forest area and work in the agricultural and plantation sectors, where the community still takes advantage of the potential contained in protected forests such as palm, rattan, and sago. The community has been using some plants for their daily needs, but the absence of documentation related to the types of plants used has made the use of plants traditionally begin to decrease. The purpose of this study is to identify the potential diversity of ethnobotanical habitats that are utilized by the indigenous people of Sassa Village in their daily lives. The data collection method is carried out by determining and making observation plots using the random sampling method. The total plots on each are 9 plots with 3 paths. Data collection is carried out by recording all types of plants that are classified based on the level of habitus, including data in the form of local names, scientific names, habitus, and plants that are used. The results showed that community interaction showed higher intensity and needs with forests. The people of Sassa Village use 46 types of plants with different habitus, namely 17 types of trees, 4 types of shrubs, 10 types of herbs, 5 types of lianas, 3 types of epiphytes, 5 types of ferns, 2 types of orchids. the plants used are used for various purposes, including plants producing building materials, food plants, ornamental plants, plants for traditional ceremonial purposes, craft-producing plants, medicinal plants, plants producing vegetable pesticides, and animal feed plants.The use of plants by the indigenous people of Sassa village is not only limited to knowledge of useful plants but can be a form of local wisdom.


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