Diversity and distribution of Selaginella in the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region




Setyawan AD, Sugiyarto, Susilowati A, Widodo. 2015. Diversity and distribution of Selaginella in the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 987-992. Special Region of Yogyakarta has fairly diverse topography with altitude starting from the seashore to the peak of Mount Merapi (2930 m asl.). Most of the area of Yogyakarta is dominated by hills or mountainous regions that is relatively dry, such as Sewu Karst, Menoreh and Merapi mountains. The flat topographic area being observed is between the three mountains. Selaginella is a herbaceous plant species that requires a lot of water for growth and fertilization. Therefore, the existence of Selaginella in a relatively dry region is an interesting matter of study. In this study, nine species of Selaginella were found in Yogyakarta. S. ornata was found at medium to high plain land. S. opaca and S. remotifolia were found only in highlands on the slopes of Mount Merapi as well as S. singalanensis. S. plana was found from the lowland up to an altitude of 1200 m of Mount Merapi, the highest growing limit of this species in the island of Java. S. aristata and S. ciliaris grew ranging from the lowland to medium altitudes, such as Menoreh mountain. However, it was generally grown only in the rainy season. S. repanda was often found in the karst region of Sewu Mountain, especially in the crevices of the rocks which were moist. Meanwhile, S. involvens was found on the slopes of Mount Merapi as well as near the karst region of Sewu Mountain.
