The development policy regarding to the conservation of natural resources and its problems
Ardhana IPG. 2015. The development of policy for conservation of natural resource and its problems. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1056-1063. In recent years Indonesia has been subjected to the tropical deforestation and forest degradation due to the rapid development of mining, excessive forest exploitation, shifting cultivation, oil palm plantation, agricultural expansion, settlements, exploitation of wildlife, geothermal, reclamation of plan conservation areas, illegal logging, forest encroachment, and so forth. This scenario of deforestation and forest degradation in Indonesia year after year cannot be avoided due to the incessant increase of population growth. So it can be said that the decline rate of forest area is proportional to the population growth rate. 144 million ha of Initial total forest area in Indonesia has decreased to 130.68 million hectares today and 43 million hectares of primary forest has reduced to 12 million hectares, while the rate of encroachment has reached to 1.1 million hectares every year. The key factors behind this deforestation and forest degradation are varied greatly government to investor interests, local to international interests. Now the government should have to think about the present condition of forest area that is getting worse day by day and soon should make an effort to find the best way to protect, manage and develop forest resources to achieve sustainable development. The purpose of this study was to explore and assess information about the conservation of natural resources based on recent development policy and the literature review method of forest condition in Indonesia. The study concluded that during the 1985-2009 period the deforested area has reached to 45.27 million hectares as a result of development policy, while the forest degradation area is about to 41 million hectares due to illegal logging, and 20 percent of conserved forest area, around 5.36 million hectares, is vulnerable owing to the threat of encroachment. Pressure driven factors of deforestation and forest degradation create the concern over the preservation of natural resources (biodiversity) and its ecosystem that have already come to the verge of collapse. It is recommended that decision maker of policy development should need to consider the conservation, maintenance, and development of natural resources and ecosystems.