Impact of land conversion policy in sago as an effort for implementation of the Paddy Field Development Program in the West Halmahera District, North Maluku




Ibrahim K, Gunawan H. 2015. Impact policy land conversion sago as an effort in support of the Paddy Field Development Program in West Halmahera District, North Maluku. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1064-1074. Year after year policy of local government is concerned with the conversion of forest land into paddy field to increase the rice production by some communities in sago in West Halmahera, Maluku. The sago land which has been shifted into irrigated land has been prominent in six sub-districts. The target, development of 5000 ha of paddy fields as a part of one of the priorities of medium-term agricultural development, has fulfilled in 174 ha (3.48%). In fact, farmers have experienced the downfall of crop and rice production in terms of both quality and quantity below the average national production. This condition makes the farmers reluctant to sell their harvested crop, which influences on earning or income. This study aims to provide recommendations on sago land conversion strategy for the development of irrigating rice field in West Halmahera, especially find out the wasted amount of farmers income, opportunity cost and the factors related to the failure of crop production. Opportunity cost calculation was used to calculate the opportunity expenses and tile technique by per land was used to count the sago farmers income and rice fields. The results showed that the potentiality of actual land for the development of rice was marginally suitable (S3) where the main limiting factor is the availability of nutrients at a lower level (total N, P2O5 available, and K2O available). Analysis from rice farming field demonstrated that 4.74 R/C ratio was found, which is feasible, BEP (Break Even Point), Rp. 1,347,900 per hectare production, was equilibrium with 134.79 kg per hectare. In comparison with R/C ratio 52.08, the decent BEP was Rp. 310.163 per hectares and the production was as big as 62.03 kg per ha. Opportunity cost is greater than paddy production in Sago. The lost amount of farmer income lost due to land conversion in sago by Rp. 4,459000, however the number of consumers of rice more than commodities in sago.
