Application Azotobacter and Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria indigenous to improve plant rice production SRI method




Abstract. Elita N, Susila E, Agustamar. 2022. Application Azotobacter and Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria indigenous to improve plant rice production SRI method. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 148-153. The intensification of rice fields is dominated by nitrogen and phosphorus inorganic fertilizers. N and P have an important role in increasing rice production. The problem of N elements in wetlands is relatively short availability, easily dissolved in water, carried by percolation, surface runoff and easily evaporates with low N fertilizer absorption efficiency ranging from 30-50%. The problem of P fertilizer absorption by plants is only 10-30%. The high P residue causes the land to become critical. An effective and efficient solution is to utilize groups of rhizobacteria. The existence of indigenous rhizobacteria is very diverse in the soil, influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. This type of rhizobacteria is expected to increase the availability of local special nutrients N (Azotobacter indigenous), and mine local P elements (Pseudomonas fluorescens indigenous). These two types of indigenous rhizobacteria were applied to rice plants using the SRI method. The aim of this study was to determine the Azotobacter bacteria and P. fluorescens can be combined and determine the dose of Azotobacter bacteria and the appropriate dose of P. fluorescens bacteria can increase the production of SRI rice plants. The research was carried out in vitro in TSA medium and in a greenhouse. The results showed no inhibitory power between Azotobacter bacteria and P. fluorescens. Application in the greenhouse showed that at a dose of 20 ml/l Azotobacter and a dose of 30 ml/l P. fluorescens gave the highest vegetative growth and production in the SRI method. In conclusion, Azotobacter bacteria and P. fluorescens can be combined in one formulation. The best Azotobacter dose of 20 ml.l and P. fluorescens bacteria 30 ml/l.
