DNA barcoding application to analyze the genetic diversity of lai-durian (Durio zibethinus x kutejensis) from East Kalimantan




Sunaryo W. 2015. DNA barcoding application to analyze the genetic diversity of lai-durian (Durio zibethinus x kutejensis) from East Kalimantan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1273-1277. Indonesian local fruit diversity is the important basic factor to increase the competitiveness of the Indonesian fruit against the imported fruit. Lai-durian (Durio zibethinus x kutejensis), the result of a natural crossing between durian (Durio zibethinus) and lai (Durio kutejensis), is an endemic fruit in East Kalimantan having a superior fruit performance and specific taste, therefore lai-durian often win a price in Durian Contest. Even, some of lai-durian varieties have been released as a National superior variety. The exploration and identification of lai-durian genetic diversity have been studied based on morphological characters. The application of molecular marker such as DNA barcoding has a good prospect to analyze the genetic diversity of laidurian and/ or compared to the parents (Durio zibethinus and Durio kutejensis). A new technology in plant identification of DNA barcoding could be performed quickly and accurately because this technique needs a small sample and could discriminate new variation on the undescribed species. In addition, DNA barcoding could be carried out even by a non-taxonomist expert, with the same accuracy, because it is a high reproducible technique. On the other hand, the identification of species or varieties based on morphological characters (Taxonomy keys) performed by taxonomist is usually applied in mature/adult plant, therefore it needs longer time because of more time to wait until the plant blooming or fruiting. In addition, the morphological character observation requires a taxonomist experts that are recently very limited.Therefore, here we describe the future prospect of DNA barcoding application to analyze the genetic diversity of lai-durian from East Kalimantan
