Diversity of Selaginella in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East Java
Setyawan AD, Sugiyarto. 2015. Diversity of Selaginella in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1312-1317. Eastern Java has a relatively drier climate than other parts of Java, but it still has quite a lot of cool mountain areas and provide enough water, for example, Bromo Tengger and Semeru Mountains complex. Selaginella is a herbaceous plant that need water for reproduction, thus it is important to know its existence in the dry climates region due to global climate change. This aims of this study was to determine the species diversity of Selaginella in the National Park of Bromo Tengger and Semeru (BTSNP), East Java. Field study was conducted in August 2007 and May 2015, and followed by observation of specimen collection of Herbarium Bogoriense, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Cibinong, Bogor. From the field research, there were collected five herbarium specimens, while the herbaria collections observed were 49 sheets of specimens. The results showed that in this park and its border areas, there were found eight species of Selaginella, namely: S. ciliaris, S. intermedia, S. involvens, S. opaca, S. ornata, S. plana, S. remotifolia and S. singalanensis. However, the morphological characteristic of S. intermedia and S. singalanensis needs to be further confirmed since each of them was only observed from a single sheet herbarium, namely O Posthumus 1615 and Kobus Tosari 147, respectively. In Java, S. intermedia was mainly distributed in the western part of Java. Meanwhile, the presence of S. singalanensis in Java was relatively rare.