Study of biological fertilizerapplication on wet rice crops in Banten
Purba R. 2015. Study of biological fertilizer application on wet rice crops in Banten. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1524-1527. The use of inorganic fertilizers continuously in the paddy field causes decreased productivity and quality of the wetland. The decline in soil productivity cause rice paddy crop production is less than optimal. This activity aims to determine the response of rice crops to biological fertilizer. The activities carried out in the districts of Serang and Pandeglang, Banten in farmers' fields from October 2014 until January 2015. Types of biological fertilizers used were Probio, Biovam, Agrimeth, that applied to seedbed seed and 2.6 weeks and 8 of rice cops age. The study showed that the application of biological fertilizers to rice crops increased plant height, number of tillers, panicle length, number of grain/panicle, weight of 1,000 grains and grain yield than without the biological fertilizer. The productivity of paddy with an Agrimeth biological fertilizer application was average 6,38t/ha, while without Agrimeth was of 5.77 t/ha. The productivity of paddy with applications Biovam was 6.13 t/ha and without Biovam was 5.88 t /ha. The productivity of paddy with applications Probio was 6.23 t/ha and without Probio was 5.69 t/ha. The productivity of paddy with three types of biological fertilizer applications had an average of 6.24 t/ha, while without biological fertilizer was 5.87 t/ha, it means that the use of biological fertilizers can increase the productivity of paddy 0.37 t/ha. The use of biological fertilizers needs to be developed to increase land productivity. Moreover, it provides optimal production of paddy rice.