Population, occupational and public knowledge about barn owl birds (Tyto alba javanica J.F. Gmelin 1788) at Padjadjaran University Campus of Jatinangor, Sumedang District
Partasasmita R, Muhammad GI, Iskandar J. 2015. Population, occupational and public knowledge about barn owl birds (Tyto alba javanica JF Gmelin 1788) at Padjadjaran University Campus of Jatinangor, Sumedang District. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1570-1576. The barn owl is nocturnal carnivorous birds that are familiar with the life of the community, often inhabit forest areas bordering the agricultural areas and even residential areas. In the residential areas, Barn owl birds often use residential buildings, including office buildings on the campus as in the campus area Jatinangor as a nest or shelter. Increase the number of campus buildings UNPAD possibility of providing a potential to be used as a nesting place, in line with the population growth occurred. However, on the other hand, the existence of Tyto alba bird often associated with the myth or pest control. Therefore, research related to population, occupational and public knowledge about Tyto alba carried out in the campus area Jatinangor. Data sampling technique using look-see to determine the population and occupation, as well as semi-structured interview method to explore the local knowledge about the species, habitats, habits and the influence of the activities and attitudes of the population in the area where Tyto alba Jatinangor campus. The results showed a decline in the population of ± 5 individuals at the beginning of 2012 due to the influence of campus construction. The average occupation of the building by 0.24 of a building that is available, and the average number of occupied nests each building as a nesting place ± 1.16 nest/building. Hoarse Java Naming birds by people around campus Unpad called Koreak. The knowledge and belief of the existence of Tyto alba population associated with the occult, resulting in the bird conservation..