Cropping calendar adaptation strategies to climate variability in rice production centers in the monsoon and equatorial region




Apriyana Y. 2015. Cropping calendar adaptation strategies to climate variability in rice production centers in the monsoon and equatorial region. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1725-1734. Adaptation strategies to climate variability caused by ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) dan IOD (Indian Ocean Dipole) phenomena at each period of the growing season are needed in efforts to improve sustainable food security. The study was conducted in West Java province which has monsoon rainfall pattern and the province of West Sumatra with Equatorial rainfall pattern. Phase of research conducted through the following steps: (i) analysis of the correlation between ENSO and IOD with rainfall conducted to find the relationship between ENSO and IOD with rainfall in the period from December to February, March to May, June to August, and September-November, (ii) delineation Region Affected by ENSO and IOD, (iii) Sensitivity Analysis and Dynamics cropping calendar and delineation of Regional Impact of ENSO and IOD on the Map of Existing Cropping Calendar followed by an analysis to set the time and cropping patterns. The influence of ENSO and IOD is stronger in monsoon rainfall pattern compared to equatorial. Both phenomena are a strong influence on the period September-November. In areas with monsoon rainfall patterns, ENSO has a strong influence in most of the northern region of West Java while IOD strongly influences the majority of the South region of West Java. In a region with a pattern of ENSO and IOD equatorial rainfall effect in parts of West and South West Sumatra. About 84% of rice area in West Java are in areas affected by ENSO and IOD simultaneously while in West Sumatra is only about 20%. The monsoon regions are affected strongly by ENSO and IOD lead to delayed 1-3 ten days period early in the season and potential planting time is shorter when compared with other affected regions, while in the equatorial region of influence of ENSO and IOD showed no difference in planting time shift. Adaptation to climate anomalies more clearly in the area of monsoon rainfall pattern by adjusting the time of planting 2-3 ten days period and change the crop rotation of rice-rice-bare into ricecorn/ soybean-bare and rice-rice-corn/soybean into rice-corn/soybean-bare.
