Determination of the tariff model of water resources as a compensation for forest ecosystem services




Yustiana Y, Hernawan E, Ramdan H. 2015. Determination of the tariff model of water resources as a compensation for forest ecosystem services. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1735-1740. Natural systems of forest ecosystems and the interactions of physical and biological components in it make the forest serve important as water catchment area in the hydrological cycle. However, the contribution of the value benefits forests as provider water that runs all the time yet to get a proper appreciation of the users of the water that acts as beneficiary (beneficiaries) of environmental services from the forest area. The water users are still many who do not care about and less appreciation of the value of forest management activities as the catchment area. Therefore, to maintain continuity, quantity, and quality of water are used, the forest ecosystems must be preserved by means of determining water rates as compensation for the environmental services of forests. This study aims to: (i) Formulate/forming formula/model of tariff determination of water resources as a product of forest ecosystem services; and (ii) Apply the formula/model of tariff determination of water resources as a product of forest ecosystem services in the forest area of North Bandung and Cianjur. Analysis of the determination of the formula/model of tariff using water pricing mechanisms based on Step tariff or Increasing Block Rates (IBR), which reflects the actual cost will give a signal to the user about the value of water and can be an incentive to use water more wisely. Results of the Analysis, setting of the structure water tariff based on the division (i) Block consumption; (ii) Consumer Segmentation; and (iii) Cost Effort And Cost Basis. Consumers are grouped into: (i) Deserves a subsidy, (ii) do not get a subsidy, and (iii) to provide subsidies to tariffs that contain levels of profit. Water tariff is divided into 4 (four), namely: low tariff, base tariff, the full fare, and tariffs set by the agreement (special). [Descriptions: TD (Basic Tariff), TBPAT (Total Cost of produced water utilization), VHHL (Volume Other Forest), VKAS (Volume Loss of Water Standard), TR (Low Tariff), RSB ( Average subsidies), TP (full price), RTK (Average advantage rate), RSbS (Average Cross Subsidy)]. Results application PROS SEM NAS MASY BIODIV INDON 1 (7): 1735-1740, Oktober2015 1736 of the water tariff formula/model as compensation for the environmental services of forests demonstrate the value: to the forest area in North Bandung, the basic rate of Rp 578,- per m³, low tariff of Rp 403,- per m³ and full fare of Rp 1,848,- per m³; and for a forest area in Cianjur, basic tariff of Rp 373.5 per m³, low tariff Rp 299,- per m³, full fare of Rp 1,575,- per m³ .
