Biological diversity (biodiversity) as a key element of green urban ecosystem
Kusmana C. 2015. Biological diversity (biodiversity) as a key element of green urban ecosystem. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1747-1755. Relatively rapid population growth coupled with changing social dynamic culture that tends to be materialistic and consumptive, fast development of science and technology as well as political atmosphere, has stimulated to created many new cities and encourage the cities that already exist develop economically with various physical infrastructure facilities of the city by ignoring the city environmental factors. This condition has led to a green open space and blue open space in many urban areas converted into constructed-lands (i.e. office area, residential, industrial, and other urban infrastructures). This phenomenon causes many social, economic, and urban environmental problems causing the unrealization of a green urban ecosystem, but led to the formation of an urban ecosystem that is not convenient, safe, beautiful, clean, and healthy to live by its inhabitants. In this case, theoretically, a green urban ecosystem (green city) can be achieved by applying the concept of Sustainable Urban Development. Conceptually, Sustainable Urban Development require a variety of efforts to preserve the environmental carrying capacity of urban ecosystem that can sustain continually towards various planned urban development activities and shift harmony as well as balancing of the environment and the resilience of the environment to the conducive environmental conditions to creating the expected urban ecosystem (in this case the green urban). The soul of the green urban ecosystem is biodiversity (genetic, species, and ecosystem), which causes an optimal sustainable functioning of urban ecosystems in producing various types of environmental products and services that are essential for supporting the life of living 1748 PROS SEM NAS MASY BIODIV INDON 1 (8): 1747-1755, Desember 2015 creatures, especially the urban people. A driving force element in the biodiversity structure is vegetation in urban spatial elements occupying green open space, either natural artificial green open space built on public or non-public lands in protected areas and/or the cultivation areas. In an urban green open space geared to ecological function as the main function and function of aesthetics, architectural, social-culture, and economic as supporting to optimize the function of a green urban. Contextually, biodiversity management is closely related to the management of an urban green open space covered by the community of plants (especially trees) that can serve as habitat for a variety of fauna that interacts between them and with the physical environment to form a communion of life intact as an urban ecosystem. Biodiversity management spectrum in an urban area covers all aspects of planning, utilization, restrain, maintenance, supervision, and enforcement to preserve the function of ecological, social-cultural, economic, and aesthetic of an expected green urban.