Gastrointestinal parasitic nematodes in mammals in captive breeding of Research Center for Biology LIPI Cibinong, West Java




Nugroho HA, Purwaningsih E. 2015. Gastrointestinal parasitic nematodes in mammals in captive breeding of Research Center for Biology LIPI Cibinong, West Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1785-1789. Periodically parasites examination was held on ex-situ conservation facility such as captivity to get information about the diversity of parasites, prevalences and infection degree. The information can be used as references for medical treatment like disease prevention and rehabilitation on captive animals. The gastrointestinal parasites examination was held on mammals captive breeding facility, Research Center for Biology LIPI Cibinong, West Java by using fecal samples from 26 Sundan Porcupines (Hystrix javanica), 4 Javan Slow Lorises (Nycticebus javanicus), 4 Sumatran Slow Lorises (Nycticebus coucang), 2 Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor) and a Prevost’s Squirrel (Callosciurrus prevostii). The fecal samples were examined with a native method with three repetitions. Necropsy was also held on two Sumatran Slow Lorises that had died previously to investigate the cause of death and to collect the internal parasites. All the parasites that had been collected were identified. Fecal examination showed that the Sundan Porcupines were infected by Gireterakis girardi with prevalence about 19.23% (5/26) and Trichuris landak with prevalence about 3.85% (1/26). While on the others animals no any egg or larvae were found. Necropsy on Sumatran Slow Lorises revealed infection of Pterygodermatites nicticebii on intestinum tenue and intestinum crassum. Based on the examinations, the parasites were derived from the wild so quarantine measures should be taken before animals entering the facility and deworming therapy for nematodes.
