Diversity of Selaginella in the Province of Banten, Western Java
Setyawan AD. 2015. Diversity of Selaginella in the Province of Banten, Western Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1810-1815. Selaginella generally grows in humid areas because it requires sufficient water for growth and fertilization media, but there is also a small number were adapted to dry conditions. Banten province has an area of 9160.70 sq km, includes natural forests, farms, and plantations in central and southern parts, as well as urban areas in the north, with the height of the surface of the beach (0 m asl.) to the medium mountains (about 1500 m asl.). It has a relatively gentle topography, especially in the north and west, but in the central and southern parts is relatively hilly and humid. The diversity of these habitats would allow the diversity of biodiversity, including diversity of Selaginella. This study intends to determine the species Selaginella over the landscape Banten Province, the western part of Java island. Field research conducted in the early to mid-2013, and managed to collect 93 samples herbarium. Observations also performed on 16 samples of the collection of the Herbarium Bogoriense (BO) of Banten. In this study, it was found nine species of Selaginella were identified namely S. alutasia, S. ascendens, S. biformis, S. ciliaris, S. intermedia, S. ornata, S. plana, S. subalpina, and S. wildenowii, as well as two unidentified species because each is only represented by a single specimen.