Plants in Indonesia’s urban cities: Biotechnological values and diversity projection in 2050
Kemal RA, Yulita A, Nufadianti G, Rosadi I, Muthmainah SI. 2015. Plants in Indonesia’s urban cities: Biotechnological values and diversity projection in 2050. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1836-1841. Biodiversity in urban cities needs to be studied and conserved. Some sources of plant diversity in urban cities are Green Open Spaces. Literature study showed some species commonly found in Jakarta have biotechnological values. The seed of Cerbera manghas, one of most frequently found species in Jakarta’s roadside green belts, is known to have metabolites with cytotoxic activities against human breast cancer cell. But Indonesia’s cities face undisputed challenges of global warming and population growth, which have a negative effect on Indonesia ecological value. Despite that, Indonesia can minimize those effects with the right strategy of biodiversity utilization, one of them is green open spaces management. Current Indonesia’s condition was used to project its condition in 2050. Urban cities become the main focus because urban biodiversity has not been utilized besides its aesthetic. Optimal and sustainable utilization will support plant diversity in urban cities as a source of germplasm with biotechnological values.