Dissemination of orchids and pitcher plant research and development in Bogor Botanic Gardens
Isnaini Y. 2015. Dissemination of orchids and pitcher plant research and development in Bogor Botanic Gardens. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1884-1889. Efforts to conserve the orchids and pitcher plants species have been and continue to be made at the Center for Plant Conservation Bogor Botanic Garden, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). These efforts need to be improved to anticipate the threat of both groups because these plants are unique ornamental and economic value, so much hunted from the wild. Propagation of the two plants has been done either conventionally or through in vitro culture. Results of research and development of orchids and pitcher plants in vitro in tissue culture laboratory have been introduced to the public through various ways, such as exhibitions, seminars, training, tourism flora, website, social media and display at Orchids House and Garden Shop. This study aims to determine the community response to the product has been marketed through Orchid House and Garden Shop of Bogor Botanic Gardens. The study was conducted by analyzing data from the book delivery to outlets, as well as data from the sale at the Garden Shop since 2010 to August 2014. The results showed at least 93 species of orchids and 8 species of Nepenthes has been propagated in vitro in tissue culture laboratory Bogor Botanic Garden and at least 81 species of orchids and 4 species of pitcher plants have been disseminated through the outlet at the Orchid House and Garden Shop since 2010 to August 2014. During this period, at least 6767 bottles of orchids and 5309 bottles/pot of pitcher plant has been circulating in the community, both inside and outside the country. These commodities have been up to the public in both urban and rural areas that have contributed to preserving it. Vandopsis lissociloides, months orchids (Phalaenopsis amabilis), Vanda tricolor, black orchid (Coelogyne pandurata), orchids rats (Paraphalaenopsis spp.)and pitcher plants (Nepenthes amabilis) attracted many people.