An inventory of mammalian species at the Conservation Forest of Prof. Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, South Solok, West Sumatra




Fikri H, Novarino W, Rizaldi. 2016. An inventory of mammalian species at the Conservation Forest of Prof. Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, South Solok, West Sumatra. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 2: 16-21. An inventory of mammalian species at the Conservation Forest area of Prof. Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, South Solok, West Sumatra was conducted from March to June 2014. The animals were identified by using a camera trap method and observation either directly or indirectly through footprints, hairs, nest, wallow, burrow, sound, scratches, and leftovers. The study documented 26 species of mammals belong to 15 families and 6 orders. From a total of 655 identified photographs and 313 videos, it showed that short-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) was the most frequently photographed (350 photographs and 147 videos), while the mammals that at least photographed included short-tailed gymnure (Hylomys suillus), sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi), common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), banded linsang (Prionodon linsang), leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) and marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata) with each one photo. This research showed that a high diversity of mammals that exists despite a large of adjacent forest landscape had been converted.
