Epiphytic Dinoflagellates on macroalgae which potentially cause Ciguatera Fish Poisoning in Weh Island waters, Aceh
Widiarti R, Pudjiarto RK, Fathoniah I, Adi APW. 2016. Epiphytic Dinoflagellates on macroalgae which potentially cause Ciguatera Fish Poisoning in Weh Island waters, Aceh. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 2: 97-102. Macroalgae is one of the marine resources which already been used for various industries, especially food industry. Macroalgae is also a habitat and an attachment site for epiphytic microalgae which ecologically have a reciprocal relationship. Epiphytic Dinoflagellates which can produce ciguatoxin and cause a Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) are also commonly found attached on macroalgae. CFP is one of the human poisoning symptoms. The research was conducted at Rubiah Island waters, Weh Island, Aceh, on December 12th, 2015, in order to conduct an inventory of epiphytic Dinoflagellates species which cause CFP. The research was carried out by collecting macroalgae Padina from the reef flat, and the sample was put into a plastic bottle containing sea water. In order to release epiphytic Dinoflagellates from macroalgae, the plastic bottle was shaken vigorously and then the sample was filtered through a series of sieves (125 μm dan 20 μm). The filtered sample was put inside Sedgewick rafter cells and observed under a light microscope. Nine species of epiphytic Dinoflagellates were found in this research, whereas six of them potentially caused CFP, those species namely Amphidinium sp., Prorocentrum concavum, P. lima, P. rhatymum, Ostreopsis ovata and O. siamensis with the highest abundance was found in Prorocentrum concavum (34,000 cells/liter macroalgae). The toxic Dinoflagellates which found in this research indicated the need of monitoring at Weh Island waters, considering that it’s potential as a tourist site and also for aquaculture.