The potential of Asiatic soft-sheel turtle (Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert, 1770) for alternative sources of animal protein in East Kalimantan




Muslim T, Suryanto. 2016. The potential of Asiatic soft-sheel turtle (Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert, 1770) for alternative sources of animal protein in East Kalimantan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 2: 76-80. Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert (1770) was one species of high commercial value soft-sheel turtle. East Kalimantan had a considerable soft-sheel turtle potential. The potential was mostly only used for export purposes, while the domestic demand was still limited. The limited labi-labi utilization as an animal protein source because people still consumed conventional meat such as fish, chicken and beef. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of labi-labi in East Kalimantan to meet domestic and export needs. By collecting data in the field from collectors and dealers of labi-labi, as well as secondary data of information and related references, it was expected to be estimated the potential of labi-labi in East Kalimantan. Distribution of labi-labi potential in East Kalimantan including Kutai Kartanegara, West Kutai Barat and East Kutai, and a small area of Pasir and Penajam Paser Utara. One collector could harvest labi-labi up to 3,600 head/year or 70% of the export quota for the East Kalimantan. If it was accumulated with sum of all collectors in East Kalimantan, labi-labi obtained could reach more than 500%. These values could guarantee food security in the country and to meet export demands. The high potential of labi-labi in East Kalimantan because in almost every region of the freshwater was its habitat. Labi-labi utilization as an alternative source of animal protein in East Kalimantan was still limited on a particular ethnic, especially in heartland of East Kalimantan. The efforts of food sources diversity so need to be disseminated and encouraged acceleration in order it does not always depend on conventional food.
