Local knowledge of Karangwangi Village people’s, Cianjur District about variation (race), the keeping activity and conservation of chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus Linnaeus, 1758)
Partasasmita R, Hidayat RA, Erawan TS, Iskandar J. 2016. Local knowledge of Karangwangi Village people’s, Cianjur District about variation (race), the keeping activity and conservation of chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus Linnaeus, 1758). Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 2: 113-119. Traditionally, the diversity of color and posture of chicken had been widely known by the people in West Java. However, several variations of view of local chicken in various rural areas had been rare and replaced by introduction chicken from the city. Local chicken presence status in the rural area can be extinct if it is not done the conservation efforts. Therefore, the conservation efforts on local chicken become important to be done. The study had been held in September-November 2015 in Karangwangi Village, Cianjur District, West Java. The purposes of the study were to learn people local knowledge about the variation of local chicken, the tradition in keeping activity of chicken and the conservation efforts of local chicken. The method used was a direct observation. Quantitative data were collected through structured interviews using a questionnaire technique to 86 respondents which selected randomly. The results showed that the people of Karangwangi Village had noticed some variations (races) of local chickens i.e. hayam Aduan, hayam Bangkok, hayam Cemani, hayam Kampung/Lisung, hayam Seuri and hayam Tukung. The people of Karangwangi Village that keeping chickens as much as 63% respondents. The keeping activity of local chicken that done by the people of Karangwangi Village was still traditionally, with the most chickens were left to roam and rest both under the trees or the yard, and the others in the bottom of house building. The people of Karangwangi Village guard the strain by not crossing the different races.