Genetic sources for basic population development of upland rice tolerant to shading and high altitude
Yullianida, Hairmansis A, Supartopo, Suwarno. 2016. Genetic sources for basic population development of upland rice tolerant to shading and high altitude. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 2: 175-181. Food sovereignty, especially for rice commodity, is being the main spotlight in Indonesia. Therefore, we need to increase production, one of them is the development of rice cultivation into marginal land. Especially for upland rice can be developed as an intercropping plant in the fields and plant expansion to highland. This effort requires the upland rice varieties that tolerant to shade and high altitude, where the only one rice variety that tolerant to shade was released, namely Jatiluhur, while for rice variety that tolerant on highland had not yet. Currently, the genetic resources that can be used as a donor of upland rice which tolerant to shade and high altitude had been identified which aim to be used as cross parents in order to merge the desired characteristics. Crossing methods performed included single cross (SC), double cross (DC), backcross (BC) and top cross (TC). The only one of trait source or parents donor for the characteristics of tolerance to shade was only obtained from Jatiluhur variety, while for high altitude tolerant was obtained from local varieties Sigambiri Putih, Sigambiri Merah, Srintil, rice variety Mandailinga, lowland rice variety Sarinah and B13604E-TB-59 line. In 2015, it had acquired as many as 24 cross combinations for the purpose of shade tolerant, consisted of six combinations resulted from SC, 9 combinations resulted from TC, 7 combinations resulted from BC and 2 combinations resulted from DC. Meanwhile, a crossing for high altitude tolerant upland rice purpose had been obtained as many as 34 combinations consisted of 15 SC, 14 TC, 1 BC and 4 DC. The most of cross combinations were crossed with other superior combination of characteristics, such as high yield potential, resistant to main pest/disease, high grain quality and tolerant to drought and aluminum toxicity as was often to be a constraint in upland rice cultivation.