Butterflies of Baluran National Park, East Java, Indonesia
Leo S, Avifah N, Sasangka AN, Zahra S. 2016. Butterflies of Baluran National Park, East Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 2: 169-174. Java Island is well known with its butterfly diversity which may count up to 640 species. Based on several assumptions, these diversities probably were scattered into several national parks, including Baluran National Park (BNP), East Java. However, the butterfly list species in BNP remain unknown. Therefore, a preliminary study should be done to testify the assumption.This study was conducted at three ecosystem types in BNP: Manting forest, savanna, and evergreen. The study was done in August 2014 with Pollard Walk method. Sixty-three butterfly species from five families: Papilionidae (1), Nymphalidae (21), Lycaenidae (14), Pieridae (23) and Hesperiidae (4) were recorded. Bekol Savanna has the highest butterfly community dissimilarity than the other ecosystem. Two ecotones have similarity with each other and close to evergreen. Manting Forest shown less dissimilarity with Savanna than Evergreen. Ixias venilia is only the Javan endemic species found in the BNP. Further inventory in other areas in BNP is needed to complete the biodiversity of butterfly species, which is useful for the conservation management of butterfly fauna at the.