Seed production variation of gelam (Melaleuca leucadendron) on some stands in East Sumatra




Pramono, Syamsuwida D, Aminah A. 2016. Seed production variation of gelam (Melaleuca leucadendron) on some stands in East Sumatra. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 2: 143-148. The planting of gelam requires a supply of identified quality seeds. An understanding of the potential of seed production, and environmental factors that influence it, are needed in gelam seeds procurement activities. This study was aimed to investigate the characteristics of gelam seed production and factors affecting variations in seed production. The trials were conducted at three gelam stands located in Kedaton Village, Kayu Agung District, OKI , and Gasing Village, Tanjung Api-api District, Palembang. The data collected were: (i) identification of the phenotype characteristic of the tree (trunk diameter, bole height, total height), (ii) identification of other tree species on the stands location, and (iii) description features of forest conditions (tree density, tree age, and associated plants). Seed production of gelam in OKI Plot and Gasing 2 plot stands were estimated by selecting 30 sample trees, while in Gasing 1 plot was 9 sample trees. Measurement of potential seed production was carried out by counting the number of bearing fruits on three sample branches then the data converted to seed production per tree. The results showed that gelam trees were ready to produce fruit when the trees are still small (trunk diameter of about 1 cm). The average weight of 100 grains of seeds was 0.25 g. Stand in OKI produced fruits of 3.94 g-tree, in Gasing 1 produced of 4.02 g-tree, and in Gasing 2 produced of 3.70 g-tree. Smaller trees produced fruit per crown volume proportion were higher than the bigger ones. In the same diameter class, gelam in OKI environmental conditions with higher light intensity, lower air humidity, and higher temperatures, produced more fruits than gelam in Gasing.
