Seed sources for new superior varieties of rice and their distribution in Banten Province, Indonesia
Abstract. Lestari AP, Yuniarti S, Makmur A, Suryadi, Fauzan A, Kartono. 2023. Seed sources for new superior varieties of rice and their distribution in Banten Province, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 196-201. Quality seed is a technological component that significantly increases rice productivity and production. The Agricultural Research and Development Agency has released a number of superior varieties of rice, each of which has its own advantages, but those planted by farmers are still dominated by old varieties. Using the same variety on a wide scale continuously results in an explosion of pests, such as the brown planthopper. Therefore, variety rotation is needed to anticipate this. Varieties rotation can be done if high-quality seeds are available from various varieties on the market widely. Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Pertanian (BPSIP) Banten through the Source Seed Management Unit (UPBS), plays an active role in supporting the supply of quality seed sources in Banten Province. Seed sources include Foundation Seed (FS) and Stock Seed (SS) as a source of seed for the lower seed classes, which are disseminated to seed breeders. Seed production and seed distribution will be carried out in MT1 2022 at IP2SIP Singamerta BPSIP Banten and on farmer's land in the form of collaboration with farmer groups or breeder farmers. Seed certification is carried out by BPSB Banten Province officers. The FS class seed production reached 3.925 tons, consisting of 3.550 tons of Inpari 32 and 0.375 tons of Cakrabuana. The production of SS class seeds reached 3.445 tons, consisting of 1.035 tons of Mantap, 1.245 tons of Inpari 45, and 1.165 tons of Padjadjaran. As many as 4.450 tons of seeds were distributed in 2022, consisting of 3.925 tons of FS class seeds and 0.525 tons of SS class seeds.