Efficacy of Pseudomonas fluorescens P12 paste formulation and its combination with Ralstonia pickettii TT47 to rice bacterial panicle blight disease




Abstract. Dewi RS, Giyanto, Dadang, Santoso, Sinaga MS, Nuryanto B. 2023. Efficacy of pesta formulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens P12 and its combination with Ralstonia pickettii TT47 to bacterial panicle blight disease of rice. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon  9: 10-14. The efficacy test is the final stage of the pesticide formulation activity to obtain information on the product efficacy level, which is required for pesticide registration. Formulas FP12-Ind-1 and FP12-Ind-2 are biopesticides made from active bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens P12, while formula FP12+TT47-Ind-1 is made from a mixture of active P. fluorescens P12 and Ralstonia pickettii TT47. These three biopesticides were able to maintain the viability of biological agents >80% for 6 months of storage, so their effectiveness needs to be evaluated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the biopesticides FP12-Ind-1, FP12-Ind-2, and FP12+TT47-Ind-1 in controlling grain rot disease of rice caused by the bacterium Burkholderia glumae. The test was carried out in the Center for Rice Instrument Standard Testing (BBPSI Padi) greenhouse using a completely randomized design (CRD). The test consisted of treatment formulas FP12-Ind-1, FP12-Ind-2, FP12+TT47-Ind-1, and control (without application) with 3 replicates and 10 plants per repetition. Pathogen inoculation is done when the panicle phase appears 20-30%. The concentration of the biopesticide used was 10% (density 107 CFU mL-1). The efficacy results showed that FP12-Ind-1, FP12-Ind-2, and FP12+TT47-Ind-1 could suppress grain rot disease in rice. These products extended the latency period longer than the control treatment. These products were also able to reduce the rate of infection, namely 0.0039; 0.0165; 0.0190, while the infection rate in the control was 0.0323. These formulations could also suppress the development of rice grain rot disease; the AUDPC values at 345.431; 478,329; 749.579, respectively, while the control was 1100.264. The FP12-Ind-1 and FP12-Ind-2 formulas could suppress the development of grain rot disease with an efficacy level of >50% up to 25 days after application and were able to reduce yield loss by 44.04% and 32.58%, respectively. The results showed that the FP12-Ind-1 and FP12-Ind-2 formulations could be biopesticides prototypes for controlling grain rot disease in rice plants.


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