Inventory and morphological characterization of Ficus racemosa collection of Purwodadi Botanical Garden and its potential use in the community




Abstract. Thoyyibah A, Angio MH. 2023. Inventory and morphological characterization of Ficus racemosa collection of Purwodadi Botanical Garden and its potential use in the community. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 91-96. The Purwodadi Botanical Garden has a fairly complete collection of plants, including a collection of Ficus racemosa, known locally as the loa tree. Information regarding the morphology of F. racemosa in the Purwodadi Botanical Garden collection is not yet available. Therefore, there is a need for research on morphological characterization and studies on the utilization of Ficus racemosa. This study aims to describe and record the morphology of the Ficus racemosa plant and present its potential utilization in the community. Data collection began with tracking plant data at the Purwodadi Botanical Garden Registration Unit, followed by direct observation of collection plants and literature studies for the potential use of F. racemosa in the community. The study's results found five F. racemosa trees in the Purwodadi Botanical Garden collection. From the morphological characterization results, F. racemosa has a height of 11-30 m with monopodial branches and buttress roots. The leaves are oblong with a pointed tip, a blunt base, and a smooth surface; the fruit grows clustered on the stem and is small pink or orange when ripe. Communities have also used F. racemosa plants to resist soil erosion, raw materials for medicinal food, and other functional and cultural purposes.


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