Diversity of blast disease pathogens in rice plants: Isolation and characterization of the Pyricularia oryzae fungus race from West Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Santoso, Dewi RS. 2023. Diversity of blast disease pathogens in rice plants: Isolation and characterization of the Pyricularia oryzae fungus race from West Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 107-112. The fungus Pyricularia oryzae is a pathogen that causes blast disease in rice plants; this pathogen has great racial diversity and can adapt to environmental changes. This activity aims to isolate and characterize the race of P. oryzae in West Java, especially Cianjur, Sukabumi, Sumedang, and Kuningan. Isolation of the fungus P. oryzae spores based on the monoconidia method and observation of blast disease scale using SES IRRI. Race characterization was based on the Mogi method with modification, using Indonesian differential varieties consisting of Asahan, Cisokan, IR 64, Krueng Aceh, Cisadane, Cisanggarung, and Kencana Bali. The results of monoconidia isolation obtained 53 P. oryzae isolates, 17 isolates from Cianjur, 10 isolates from Sukabumi, 10 isolates from Sumedang, and 16 isolates from Kuningan. Race characterization from Cianjur obtained 8 races, namely 001, 003, 011, 021, 103, 111, 133 and 201. P. oryzae race from Sukabumi obtained 4 types, namely 001, 011, 201, and 241. P. oryzae race from Sumedang obtained 3 types, namely 001, 101, and 241. P. oryzae race from Kuningan obtained 2 types, namely 201 and 301. The racial characterization obtained 12 races, namely races 001, 003, 011, 021, 101, 103, 111, 133, 201, 241, 301 and 311. The predominant P. oryzae races were races 001 and 201. This racial composition information can be used for an effective method strategy in managing rice blast disease.


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