Effect of CO2 laser speed on kerf width and cutting depth of Acacia mangium wood




Abstract. Assyifa U, Nugraha D, Febryano IG, Duryat, Hidayat W. 2023. Effect of CO2 laser speed on kerf width and cutting depth of Acacia mangium wood. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 133-136. One alternative technology for wood cutting is the Laser (Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). This study aims to determine the effect of CO? laser speed on the kerf width and cutting depth results of Acacia mangium wood. A. mangium wood was cut using a 50 Watt CO? Laser with 3 m/s, 5 m/s, 7 m/s, and 9 m/s speeds. Parameters evaluated include depth, width based on depth, and stroke width. Kerf width and cutting depth were measured using a stereomicroscope. The results showed that the kerf width decreased with increasing laser speed; the cut depth also showed the same trend. The decrease in depth, width based on depth, and kerf width from the results of cutting using a CO? laser is due to the lower heat energy received by the inner wood. The research concluded that the greater the speed, the smaller the kerf width, width based on depth, and depth of cut also has the same trend. Cutting with a CO2 laser produces a cutting shape resembling the letter "V" because the heat energy received is lowered as the depth of the wood is cut.


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