Fern diversity and conservation status in the South Gombong karst forest, Kebumen District, Indonesia




Abstract. Afifah FN, Putri NRA, Hartanti AN, Pramudita DA, Armando MF, Rahmayani D, Indrawan M, Safira RN, Buot Jr IE, Setyawan AD. 2023. Fern diversity and conservation status in the South Gombong karst forest, Kebumen District, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 186-195. Pteridophytes are cosmopolitan organisms that can live in various habitats and have a wide distribution, such as karst ecosystems. However, there are still some species that need to be inventoried. One of the karst ecosystems in the Kebumen district is located in Ayah Village. This study aimed to examine the diversity and conservation status of Pteridophytes in the karst ecosystem of the Ayah Forest, Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia. The primary data of this study were obtained from field observations carried out using the survey method, as well as measurements of abiotic factors. The data were collected by survey method and analyzed with the Shannon-Wiener species diversity index (H'), Margalef species richness index (Dmg), and the Evenness species index (E). Conservation status of Pteridophyta obtained from IUCN Red List and CITES. From the research results, the Pteridophytes found consisted of 736 individuals belonging to 22 species and 8 families. The results of the analysis showed to species diversity index (H') in the moderate category (2.57), Margalef species richness index (Dmg) in the moderate category (3.33), and evenness species index (E) in the high population uniformity (0.83). From the IUCN Red List conservation status assessment, three species are included in the Least Concern (LC) category: Cyclosorus interruptus (Willd.), Adiantum capillus-veneris L., and Pteris vittata L. None of the pteridophyta species found has conservation status from CITES. Therefore, this research can be used as an evaluation to conserve Pteridophytes species that have worrying status so that their existence can be maintained.


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