The role of High Conservation Value areas in the preservation of mammals diversity in oil palm plantations: a case study in Riau




Santosa Y, Perdana A. 2017. The role of High Conservation Value areas in the preservation of mammals diversity in oil palm plantations: a case study in Riau. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 81-87. The development of oil palm plantations has caused controversy in the international community. The decline of biodiversity was negative accusations that relative stand. Criteria of RSPO and ISPO require every oil palm plantation to have HCV. Therefore, it is important to know whether the presence of HCV areas has had a role in the conservation of mammals diversity. The study has been done in seven oil palm plantation estates by line transects method and 24-hours observation with the help of camera traps in March-April 2016. The results showed that the number of species of mammals in the HCV area in four study sites was higher than the youngest/oldest oil palm plantation. While the number of mammals was found in 3 other locations are relatively similar. The highest number of mammal species was in the HCV area where the conditions were secondary forest with a total number was 6 of 9 species throughout the study area. The HCV where mammals were found the same youngest/oldest oil palm plantation were border river areas. This fact suggested that HCV area with secondary forest area form was more preferably by mammal species than HCVarea with river border that has not been.
