First record of Desmopuntius pentazona (Five-Banded Barb) on Bangka Island, Indonesia




Abstract. Muzakki IA, Silvia MP, Andini L, Kurniawan A. 2024. First record of Desmopuntius pentazona (Five-Banded Barb) on Bangka Island, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 10: 21-25. Five-Banded Barb (Desmopuntius pentazona) is a species of freshwater ornamental fish found on Bangka Island. Five-Banded Barb is still little known to the public because of its shape and color that is almost the same as some species of fish namely Puntius tetrazona, Puntius binotatus, and Desmopuntius hexazona. The sampling of Five-Banded Barb was carried out from September to October 2023 in the Kelumbi Dusun waters, Kelumbi village, Tempilang Sub-district, Bangka West District, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Indonesia. Desmopuntius pentazona is commonly found in black-water waters in Southeast Asia and is a fish found living in groups in the wild. Desmopuntius pentazona can grow up to 6 cm in length. The body is silver with five black lines horizontally along its sides. Desmopuntius pentazona has a slim body shape, as is typical of most cyprinid fish. The backrests are located on the back of the fish and are usually black, the rectum is located at the bottom and also black, and the lymphatic chest, while the tail is branched in two. The spread of D. pentazona has recently been recorded in Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Kalimantan, as well as for the first time on the island of Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands.


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