Plants diversity in Mount Tanggamus Protected Forest, Lampung and its conservation efforts




Muhaimin M, Lailaty IQ, Hidayat IW. 2018.Plant diversity in Mount Tanggamus Protected Forest, Lampung and its
conservation efforts. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 4: 144-150. Mount (Mt.) Tanggamus is one of the Protected Forest in Lampung,
Sumatra, which is still largely unknown about the study of its plants. On the other hand, the threat of its disturbance tends to increase. In
view of this, studies on plant diversity and conservation efforts at Mt. Tanggamus are urgently needed. The study is conducted through
explorating and collecting of plants in montane zone at 1083 to 2015 masl. Plant exploration applied by exploration method. The
exploration tracks via Simpang Rimba track and Sidokaton track. Based on the exploration result, there are 93 families, 195 genera, and
303 species founded within the Mt. Tanggamus Protected Forest. From all species founded, there are a few endangered species
according to the IUCN Red List, that is Paphiopedilum javanicum (EN), Nepenthes spathulata (VU), and Styrax benzoin (VU).
Furthermore, 671 specimens of living plants have been successfully collected, and then it conserved at CBG as an ex-situ conservation
area. Based on observation over eight months, the survival rate of plants from Mt. Tanggamus Protected Forest which planted in CBG is
high (reaching 82.12%). In addition to the collection of living plants, 50 seed specimens and 28 herbarium specimens were also
collected. From all species collected, there are 45 species as a new collection for CBG. Some collection of plants have many potential
benefits, such as ornamental, wood/building material, medicine, food, natural dyes, and fiber/rope. The results of this study are expected
to be used as a basis for consideration in the development of plant conservation efforts in the Mt. Tanggamus Protected Forest,


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