Exudate-producing plants collection of Cibodas Botanical Garden and its uses




Muhaimin M, Nurlaeni Y. 2018.Exudate-producing plants collection of Cibodas Botanical Garden and its uses. Pros Sem Nas
Masy Biodiv Indon 4: 151-157. Cibodas Botanical Garden (CBG) is one of the ex-situ plant conservation institution that focuses on
conservation of ever wet mountain area. Currently, the plant collection of CBG reached to 1934 species and 9194 specimens. These
species have a number of uses, such as for food sources, natural dyes, building materials, and medicines. One of the uses of plants
collection of CBG that has not been explored properly as an exudate-producing, whereas exudate from plants is known to have many
benefits. Therefore, inventory of exudate-producing plants collection of CBG and their potential uses are carried out. The studied are
focus only on resins, latexes, and gums exudate, since all of them are commonly known and most widely utilized by humans. The results
show that CBG has collected 27 families and 188 species of resin-producing plants, 13 families and 128 species of latex-producing
plants, and 11 families and 18 species of gum-producing plants. Some of these species have been known to be beneficial, such as for
medicine, food, ritual ceremony, and textile. In addition, there are 26 species exudate-producing plants collection that has threatened
status based on the IUCN Red List, so as conservation effort need to be prioritized. This data is expected to further increase the value of
plants collection of CBG and stimulate further research and development of exudate-producing plants collection in CBG.


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