Morphological characteristic of local accessions job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) of East Kalimantan




Abstract. Handayani F, Sumarmiyati, Rahayu SP. 2019. Morphological characteristic of local accessions job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) of East Kalimantan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 5: 228-233. Job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) is known as jelai in East Kalimantan, and has many local names all over Indonesia. For Dayak society, job’s tears has cultural value as it uses in custom ceremonies. Job’s tears has low glycemic index so it can be used as functional food as rice substitution/complementary. East Kalimantan has many local accessions of job’s tears. The aim of this research was to characterize the morphological characters of three local varieties of job’s tears from Kutai Kartanegara i.e. PJSR 1, PJSR 2, and PJSR 3. The field study was held on Lempake trial garden of BPTP Kalimantan Timur in Samarinda from April to September 2018. Plant morphological of the varieties was similar. The significant difference was on antocyanin coloration of the stem and midrib, which is PJSR 2 was the strongest. PJSR 1 and PJSR 2 have shorter harvest time (5 months) and higher productivity (5 t/ha) than PJSR 3 (6 months, 4 t/ha). Seed and kernel of PJSR 1 were light brown, while PJSR 2 was dark brown. Meanwhile, PJSR 3 has light brown seed but dark brown kernel. The rice of PJSR 1 is little sticky, while PJSR 2 is more sticky, and the most sticky is PJSR 3.
