Woody diversity plant and non-timber forest products potential in protected forest area of protected forest management unit model in Sorong City, West Papua




Abstract. Lekitoo K, Khayati L. 2019. Woody diversity plant and non-timber forest products potential in protected forest area of protected forest management unit model in Sorong City, West Papua. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 5: 294-298. Protected forest management unit (PFMU) model of Sorong Selatan is one of the models from three types of forest management units existed in Papua Barat Province. Floral biodiversity study in the PFMU model was an inherent aspect towards underpinning a primary responsibility and function of forest management unit in managing the whole forest activities. The output of this study will subsequently be a fundamental part in determining policy and effectuating perpetual forest management. Descriptive method through survey and design continuous strip sampling technique for data collection were applied during this study The result revealed that protected forest area of PFMU consisted of 392 vegetation species from 76 families with the detail of 275 species (68 families) in seedlings phase, 274 species (63 families) in saplings phase, 247 species (61 families) in poles phase (10-19 in diameter), and 225 species (52 families) in trees phase (? 20 cm in diameter). Dominant family in all growth phases is Moraceae with 32 species. Species diversity index based on growth rate was 4.844 in seedlings, 4.842 in saplings, 4.760 in poles and 4.518 in trees. Non timber forest product (NTFP) found can be grouped into resin-based product (7 species), essential oil (6 species), fat oil (4 species), food material (60 species), tannin-based product (5 species), colored-based product (12 species), medicinal plants (76 species), decorative plants (50 species), rattan-based product (5 species), bamboo (5 species), edible shots (15 species), bioethanol-based product (4 species), and biodiesel-based source (14 species).
