The severity of stem borer attack in some maize varieties in planted in dry soil in Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan
Abstract. Wawan BP, Amin M. 2018. The severity of stem borer attack in some maize varieties in planted in dry soil in Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 5: 307-311. Attempts to increase the national maize production have been taken in order to fulfill the higher domestic needs and to supply the demand from global market which also kept increasing. The improvement of productivity was also administered in the form of production safety effort by reducing the impact of climate changes such as flood, drought and pest control. This research analyzed the severity of stem borer attack toward composite maize variety (Bisma and Lamuru) and hybrid maize variety (NK 22 and NK 6172) in the planting area of Agro Techno Park located in Bangunrejo, Tenggarong Seberang sub-district of Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan during the rainy season of 2017-2018. The plants had been put into a semi-automatic manual planting tool before they were planted in 80 cm x 20 cm area. Two seeds were planted in every spacing with a population of 62.500 plants. The area per planting plot was 1000 m2 which variety functioned as treatment group. This research was conducted to investigate the severity of stem borer attack on corn cobs. Regarding to the results of this research, NK 22 corn had better endurance against corn cob stem borer as it brought higher production. The highest percentage of stem borer attack occurred to NK 22 of 82.14%. The highest maize production was produced by Bisma composite maize, exceeding 7.485 t/ha, while the lowest production was produced by NK 6172 of 5.885 t/ha dry kernel.