Restoration of degraded peatland ecosystems at Tasik Besar Serkap Forest Management Unit, Riau Province
Abstract. Octavia D, Mawazin. 2018. Restoration of degraded peatland ecosystems at Tasik Besar Serkap Forest Management Unit, Riau Province. Pros Sem Indom Biodiv 5: 330-335. Peat natural forest area at Tasik Besar Serkap Forest Management Unit (FMU) which was bordered by the Acacia crassicarpa industrial plantation area in Pelalawan Riau has been damaged. The damage is caused by interventions in human activities such as logging, fire and canal making. Efforts to restore degraded peatlands in Pelalawan Riau were carried out using the Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) and Intensive Artificial Regeneration (IAR) methods. The aim of the study was to look at plant growth in the ANR and IAR methods and the effectiveness of making bird perches in helping the spread of natural tillers. Restoration using the ANR method is carried out in areas where there are still natural regeneration of tiller which is intended to help natural seedling grow into mature trees. Natural saplings were freed from weeds and given stakes, as well as making birds perch to help spread the saplings through bird droppings. The IAR method is carried out in heavily degraded forest areas, natural tillers are difficult to find, restoration is done by planting local species tillers. Growth observations were carried out on a one-hectare test plot for each method. The results of the observations showed that the making of a bird perch did not show the existence spreading of seedlings of natural tillers that grew in the ANR plot. Percentage of enrichment plants growing up to the 8th and 14th months of the local plant species planted was 96% while those in the IAR plot were 80% and 62% respectively. The ANR method is considered cheaper to implement, but the recovery speed is relatively slower. On the other hand, the IAR method is rated at 50% more expensive, but can increase the number of tillers per hectare and diversity of species.