Tree health identification of Intsia spp. on ex-situ conservation
Abstract. Rachmadiyanto AN, Rinandio DS. 2019. Tree health identification of Intsia spp. on ex-situ conservation. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 5: 383-389. Intsia is a genus of plant which is consisted of several species with high economic value. According to the IUCN Red List v2.3 1998, two species of this genus has been classified as vulnerable, namely Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze and Intsia acuminata Merr. Intsia bijuga is one of the most popular wood species because of its strong texture characteristics that resist to weathering and termite attacks. Ex-situ conservation is one of many efforts to save the endangered plants outside their habitat. The challenges faced by plants planted outside their habitat is survival, especially the age and quality of wood. The aim of this study was to reveal the health conditions of trees grown in ex-situ conservation areas. The research was carried out at Bogor Botanical Gardens-LIPI. The health conditions of 16 Intsia spp. trees were observed using Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) method. The results showed that the health condition of Intsia spp. was 44% categorized as healthy, 37% mild damage, and 19% moderate damage. The most type of damage is caused by 25% open wounds and 18% lianas. The Tree Damage Value (NIK) is directly proportional to height, diameter, and age of the Intsia tree. The results of this FHM observation needs to be supported by further specific examination such as the texture of the main stem.