Growth variations of manglid (Manglietia glauca) at age of 18 months in Trenggalek, East Java




Abstract. Pudjiono S, Mashudi, Susanto M, Setiadi D, Sulaeman M. 2019. Growth variations of manglid (Manglietia glauca) at age of 18 months in Trenggalek, East Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 5: 450-454. Manglid (Manglietia glauca) is one of the native Indonesian forest plants whose existence began to be difficult to find. The manglid part that taken mostly is wood. The manglid wood structure is shiny, dense, smooth, light in weight, and easy to be done. In connection with this, it is necessary to determine the growth of plants as information of manglid ability in producing wood. The purpose of this research was to determine the growth variation of the manglid plants that planted at the foothill of the Wilis Mountain, with an altitude between 700-800 meters above sea level, Dompyong Village, Bendungan District, Trenggalek Regency, East Java at the age of 18 months. The research method used was an Incomplete Block Design with the seedlings propagated from 50 parent trees, separated into 6 blocks, each block consisted of 3 treeplot, and the planting distance was 4 m x 2 m. The characteristics of plant measured included the height of plant, stem diameter, and life percentage of manglid. The measurement results were analyzed for the variation and tested by using a Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that height of plants was ranged between 103-195 cm with an average of 155 cm. The stem diameter was ranged between 0.90-3.53cm with an average of 1.93 cm. The life percentage of plants was ranged between 44.4-94.4% with an average of 76.4%. The analysis results showed that the parent tree was significantly effected to the total height and the stem diameter of plants. There were some variations of height characteristic from 50 parent trees, there were 9 groups, while for the stem diameter characteristic, there were 7 groups.

Keywords: Diversity, growth, manglid, parent tree, tree age


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