Morphological characterization of 15 Toona sinensis populations in the 12-year-old conservation area




Abstract. Jayusman, Fiani A. 2019. Morphological characterization of 15 Toona sinensis populations in the 12-year-old conservation area. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 5: 442-448. This research aims to study and characterize the morphology of Toona sinensis plant in ex situ conservation area as well as study diversity between populations based on morphological characteristics. A total of 15 surian populations, originating from West Java (5 populations), Central Java (8 populations), and East Java (2 populations), were planted in ex situ conservation area at the age of 12 years. Characterization was carried out using IPGRI guidelines (The International Plant Genetic Resources Institute) and the National Commission on Genetic Resources with observational variables including quantitative properties including total plant height, free height of branches, stem diameter, leaf edge, leaf surface, and angle branching. Qualitative traits tested include the shape, color, and surface of the bark, leaf edges, leaf surface, canopy shapes and leaf aroma. The data obtained are presented descriptively and grouping between populations using cluster analysis, then the analysis results are presented in the form of a dendrogram. Based on characterization analysis using ten quantitative characters and 43 quantitative sub-characters, obtained results of cross-population grouping from various geographical sources of provinces with high morphological similarity (78-99%), grouping with ten qualitative characters with 27 qualitative sub-characters shows a cross-grouping population of provincial geographical sources with morphological similarity 80-99%. The use of qualitative and quantitative sub-characters simultaneously is only able to group two populations from the Province of East Java in one cluster, while the population of Central Java and West Java are scattered in several sub-clusters with morphological similarities between 82-99%. Three quantitative characters that contribute to morphological diversity are total plant height, the free height of branches, and surface or stem diameter, while the two qualitative characters that contribute to high morphological diversity are stem shape and canopy shape. Efforts to search for morphological characters and sub-characters that can be used as the main characteristic of populations, such as flower shapes, fruit shapes, and seed shapes, need to be involved in subsequent studies to facilitate efforts to characterize populations and use them to support selection activities in T. sinensis plant breeding program.




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