Vegetation analysis of karst in Padjadjaran University Campus area Cintaratu, Pangandaran, West Java
Abstract. Nasrudin A, Parikesit. 2020. Vegetation analysis of karst in Padjadjaran University Campus Area Cintaratu, Pangandaran, West Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 6: 468-475. The research carried out was an analysis of karst vegetation in the category of seedlings, saplings, poles, and trees in the campus area of Padjadjaran University Cintaratu, Pangandaran, West Java. This study aimed to determine the species composition and vegetation structure and plant species diversity in the campus area of Padjadjaran University Cintaratu, Pangandaran. The research method used was a squared line method, with a measurement plot of 20 m x 20 m for category data of trees, 10 m x 10 m plot size for poles, 5 m x 5 m plot for saplings, and sample plots measuring sized 2 m x 2 m for data of seedlings. The physical data that measured were temperature, humidity, soil pH, and soil moisture. Data analysis was carried out by using vegetation analysis method to calculate frequency, density, dominance, relative frequency, relative density, relative dominance, Important Value Index (INP), Shannon-Wienner diversity index (H'), and evenness index (E). The results showed there were 32 types of plants from 16 families, namely 14 types in seedlings, 15 types of saplings, 24 types of poles, and 6 types of trees. The highest Important Value Index in the research transect was coconut (Cocos nucifera) by 188.2% in the tree category, the pole category of albasiah (Albizia chinensis) by 58.9%, the sapling category of albizia (Albizia chinensis) by 87.07%, and the seedling category of Ficus septica by 83.95%.
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