Ex situ conservation of Myristicaceae in Indonesian Botanic Gardens




Risna RA. 2019. Ex situ conservation of Myristicaceae in Indonesian Botanic Gardens. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 5: 459-465. There are 521 Indonesian plant species categorized as threatened under IUCN Red List. Nutmeg family or Myristicaeae contributes 10% on the list, the highest percentage after Dipterocarps family (36.8%). Regarding this family’s importance, numbers of threatened species, as well as implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in conserving threatened plants, Myristicaceae has to be prioritized to conserve in ex situ collection such botanic gardens. From 16 Indonesian Botanic Gardens observed, 7 species out of 52 threatened Myristicaeae species recorded in Indonesia had been conserved. Population studies, collection and inventory from its natural habitat, propagation for population reinforcement, and legal protection are some conservation efforts to be done for this tropical family.


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