The effectiveness of landscape management of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park




Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS) is a combination of the Mount Halimun and Mount Salak areas which administratively covers the areas of Bogor, Sukabumi, and Banten. The TNGHS landscape is naturally formed. Ideal landscape management can be realized if it can refer to the principle of HCVF (High Conservation Value Forest) which integrates social, economic, and ecological interests. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the management of the TNGHS landscape. This study uses the incorporation of the latest map data from TNGHS which is thoroughly analyzed to examine each of its constituent components. Qualitative descriptive analysis is used to explain spatial ecological data and secondary data on the socio-economic conditions of the communities surrounding TNGHS. The results showed that the landscape of TNGHS was composed of several pitches, including forests (43.9%), plantation forests (11.4%), mixed gardens (4.5%), shrubs (2.5%), fields (8.5%), settlements (4.6%), vacant land (7.5%), developed land (9.1%), and rice fields (4.5%). Based on the results of the research presented, the management of the TNGHS landscape is classified as effective because it can maintain forested areas (main pitches) of more than 50%, but it is important to note landscape changes that might affect forests. Therefore, the advice given to the manager of the TNGHS area is that the manager must monitor and pay attention to changes in spots that are likely to affect the core zone.


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