Forest composition of Ismayadi permanent plot in Malinau district, North Kalimantan




The uniqueness of Indonesia's forests in addition to having a high level of biodiversity, also forest types are oriental, australian, and transitional, so there are many rare plants and endemic species. This study aims to determine composition as well as the association of diversity of tree species in the Ismayadi plot. The research location is Ismayadi's Permanent Plot at the location of the HPH P.T. Inhutani II with an area of 1 Ha in Malinau District, North Kalimantan Province. Primary data with diameter and tree height parameters and identification of existing plant species and associations are accompanied by data from previous years as a reference. The results of observations on individual trees, namely the number of individual trees on Ismayadi plot size of 100 m x 100 m in year 2017 were 271 individual trees. The number of dead was 10 trees (3.7%). The genera Shorea (Dipterocarpaceae) dominates as many as 65 trees. Association of species of shrubs or trees under the canopy as follows: Rauvolfia, Syzygium, Shorea leprosula, Dysoxylum, Glutta walliciana, Luvunga (Rutaceae), Santiria (Burseraceae), Macaranga, Calamus, Etlingiera, Lasianthus, Actinodaphne, Pternandra, Litsea, Leptocomia (Arecaceae), Garcinia, Pandanus, Licuala, Blechnum, Callophylum. This paper also presents a comparison at the same location in Malinau District and also the need for immediate conservation efforts at the CIFOR Permanent Measurement Plot (PUP) location.



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