Home range and habitat vegetation Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) in Curug Walet, Cisokan, West Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Yaghsyah IA, Husodo T, Megantara EN, Wulandari I, Atsaury ZIA, Febrianto P. 2022. Home range and habitat vegetation Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) in Curug Walet, Cisokan, West Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 39-45. Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch Audebert, 1798) is an endemic member of genus hylobates in Java Island. Javan gibbon populations can be found at Curug Walet, Cisokan, West Java, Indonesia. Curug walet is one of the many isolated forest patch. Curug Walet elevation vary at 530-730 masl. Curug Walet area are dominated by steep slope with slope steepness reach above 40%. The reason why javan gibbons still able to survive in relatively small forest patch are still one of the unsolved mystery and an interesting topic. The goals of this research is to estimate the homerange and describe the habitat of Javan gibbon in Curug Walet. In this research qualitative and quantitative approach were used. The data necessary were gathered using cruising method combined with cell-grid approach. The homerange were mapped using MCP and cell-grid method. The estimated homerange of javan gibbon using MCP method has 7.9 hektare wide, while using the cell-grid method only 4.9 hektare. There are 73 plants species that belongs to 29 genus that are categorized as tree and pole. At least 27 species are used by the gibbons as food sources. Curug Walet is a secondary forest area that dominated by the C stratum trees. The canopy are tight makes it possible for the javan gibbon to move branch to branch using brakhiation movement.


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