Population and space use of the Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) in the Protected Forest of Canaan, Bandung District, West Java, Indonesia




Khairina F, Husodo T, Megantara EN, Wulandari I, Atsaury ZIA, Febrianto P. 2022. Population and space use of the Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) in the Protected Forest of Canaan, Bandung District, West Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 9-17. Various threats faced by the Javan gibbon caused its distribution only in protected forest areas. One of the protected forests is the Canaan Protection Forest. There is little information about the Javan gibbon in the Canaan Protection Forest, only information about its whereabouts. This study aims to provide information about the distribution and population of the Javan gibbon, and the use of space and daily activities of the Javan gibbon in the Protected Forest area of ??Canaan. Triangulation and cruising methods were used to obtain population data, ad libitum methods and scan sampling were used to obtain space usage data. The results showed that there were five groups of Javanese gibbons based on sound observations and three groups of which were found directly. Javan gibbons numbered 12.4 individuals based on the first count (results of the 1994 PHVA workshop), 8-12 individuals based on the second count (minimum-maximum), and 6 individuals were found immediately. It was noted that the Javan gibbon at the study site used all canopy space (top, middle, bottom, and ground level) and all heights ranged from 0 m to more than 30 m.


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